Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mon challenge: Maximiser ma croissance capillaire (cheveux afros naturels)

Comment parler d'âyurvédâ, de vie saine et de potentialités de beauté de peau et de cheveux si je finis par moi-même en oublier les préceptes. Il faut dire que j'ai été occupée, très occupée avec le boulot. Mais vu que j'ai une gamme de cosmétiques, et que je ne veux pas être victime du syndrome du "Cordonnier mal chaussé", je décide de me lancer un défi pendant 1 mois: celui de documenter mon régime et ma routine beauté concernant mes cheveux naturels dans l'objectif d'observer une pousse d'environ 2cm chaque mois avec un maintien de mes longueurs.... Ce challenge va sur mes cheveux mais mes produits étant tri-doshiques (s'appliquant à tous types de cheveux assoiffés, ternes, cassants, la routine serait presque la même - à quelques gestes près, pour des cheveux défrisés, colorés, etc.).

Souhaitez-moi bonne chance!!!! ;-)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Complete list of Shreyas Ayurvedic Skincare product line

Shreyas Ayurvedic Skincare
The complete list of products

I. Skincare rituals
a) Sita - Soothing Serum
b) Kali - Intense Night Renewal Serum
c) Makeup Removing ayurvedic oil
d) Rose water toner
e) Rejuvenating ayurvedic face powder mask

II. Body rituals
a) Abhyanga body oils (3)
b) Clarifying & nourishing oil

III. Haircare rituals
a) Pre-poo hot oil treatment
b) Hydrating daily hair oil
c) Concentrated hair growth serum (Scalp treatment)
d) Miracle serum (3 in 1)

IV. Slimming rituals
a) Slimming body oil
b) "Flat stomach" concentrated serum

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Win this amazing growth serum for hair !

Click here to reach FB page

March gift: Shreyas Growth Oil Serum

What woman has not dreamed of healthy, gorgeous hair?

I specifically created Shreyas Growth Oil Serum to cater to women of all constitutions, but especially women like me, who - for years - mistreated their hair: bending, flat ironing, coloring or relaxing it, with the hopes to one day, have the perfect Cinderella hair.

After many trials and errors, I got into a more health conscious regimen and realized that having beautiful hair is about loving my hair, just the way it is, nurturing and caring for it with loving gestures ** and the right (all natural and organic) products ** on a daily basis.

Shreyas Growth Oil Serum is made with the pure knowledge of ayurveda, using the most precious spices such as fenugreek, amla, and the most precious cold pressed oils grown the traditional way in Africa: Argan oil, Baobab tree oil, virgin coconut and jojoba oil, and a selection of essential oils all catering to the growth and maintenance of sublimed hair.

So how can you win a bottle of this elixir?
Very simple. It's the principle of "liking" and "sharing".
Just go to my facebook page 
Click on "like", then share it to your friends and send me a comment on my wall.
It takes about 2 minutes and I promise you, the reward will be gracious!
This contest is international and will end on 31 march at midnight wherever you are.

I will pick the 3 winners and announce the lucky ones on this blog (I'll probably email the winners as well, i suppose) on 2 april.

Thank you again and see you soon :-)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kids contest..... calling on joyful drawings!

If you've read my former post on, you saw that, as of April, Shreyas will having "Yoga on the Roof" every thursday during lunchtime.

Another thing in the pipelines for April: I want to show gratitude for our most generous Mother Nature and the gifts that the environment bestows upon us, while we often fail to remember it.

I've created a new Baby Oil (for babies and young kids), of course, 100% natural, that I'm going to put in the boutique soon.
I thought of my own daughters and how, coming at a certain age, they are just moving around constantly: climbing, falling, jumping, getting beaten by insects or sunburnt.

I wondered: "What if I created a light oil, with a yummy smell, that could be a friendly partner to my kids?" And that's what I did. I came up with Shreyas Baby Oil: an oil that is light in touch, soothing, sun protecting. It also helps with healing wounds and scarring, and it helps repel small insects.

Now, how do I release this new product? I came up with the idea of a kids drawing contest, and the opportunity to, once again, give back to the community.

So how does it work?
Any kid, age 4 to 8 y old, draws a picture on a simple white piece of paper. The picture should convey the joy of the new season (spring) and the gratitude to the gifts of nature.

I've selected 5 moms to be members of the jury and who would pick their 3 favs. The 3 winning drawings will be used as the label of a limited edition of the Baby Oil. Plus, the moms of the 3 kids who make the drawing will go home with that baby oil and 30% OFF any purchase @Shreyas Boutique.

For more info, make sure to read Shreyas April Newsletter on the homepage of this blog.

Cheers y'all!

Monday, February 4, 2013

2013, here we come!

What is beauty?

Personally, I was raised in the strict tradition of piousness and humility.

With a protestant father, a very very catholic mother, a muslim step-father in a country where monotheistic (imported) religious practices always happily mingled with animism, pharmacopoeia and African naturopathy , being beautiful simply meant being modest.

Then I reached teenage and all I saw in the media were signals that I had to look like a video girl or a supermodel in order to fit in the contemporary beauty standards. That's when I started to feel totally inadequate and the need to always improve this or that part of my physical appearance grew crescendo.

What ayurveda gave me is the conviction that we all are, in essence, perfection. Perfection in our differences is what made us special. The three doshas (ayurvedic mind-body constitutions) are proof that each of us are born with their own characteristics and while we are constantly bombarded with ads trying to sell us things supposedly meant to make us more attractive, more successful... basically, to give us that feeling that we are worthy - hence, worth loving, the authors of ayurvedic texts dating several thousands of years back, were already taking about the nuances of the woman, the perfection of her shape, her clear (**not necessarily light**) skin and the texture of her hair.

Ayurveda doesn't just say that we are beautiful and that's it. No. We are indeed gifted with beauty from birth; yet, it is our free will to make sure we maintain this ever-evolving beauty. That means, learning to be less influenced by our environment, as stressful as our activities can be; that means, trying as much as possible to eat better and healthier in a rhythm that fits our unique constitution; that means, drinking more than plenty of water; that means allocating time for light sport to regulate and maintain a healthy body. Our body, whether we realize it or not, is the first thing people see. It is also the main organ through which our internal organs evacuate toxins. Little things that seem not well on the outside are often prelude to bigger things boiling on the inside!

Consequently, a healthy mind in a healthy body shall be our motto. Not just an excuse to buy expensive products from the luxury brands we know and admire or adorn ourselves with the most elegant clothes - all that with the goal to be envied, appreciated and (sometimes), just to boost our ego. It is ok to like and buy things that make us feel pretty.  But embellish the beautiful canvas that we are certainly is better than covering up the big flaw that we think we are.

So, does "new year" once again mean "new resolutions"? Of course. Always. At least, so long as we have not yet attained the high standard we impose ourselves to be beautiful; though we can't see that we had reach it from the start!

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Qu'est ce que la beauté?

Personnellement, j'ai été élevée dans la stricte tradition de l'humilité et de la pudeur.

Avec un père protestant, une mère très très catholique, un beau-père musulman dans un pays foncièrement animiste où cohabitent joyeusement les religions monothéistes, les rites ancestraux et une pharmacopée richement pratiquée à la maison, être belle signifiait simplement être pieuse.

En grandissant, les médias m'ont vite appris qu'il fallait ressembler à un top model pour daigner s'approprier le titre de "belle femme". Naquit alors en moi une sensation permanente d'inadéquation avec les attentes présumées des autres et un besoin constant d'améliorer un aspect ou un autre de mes attributs physiques.

Ce que m'a apporté l'ayurvéda, c'est la conviction que nous sommes, en essence, perfection. Perfection dans nos différences et nos spécificités. Les trois doshas (constitutions ayurvédiques) sont des preuves que chacun d'entre nous vient au monde avec ses propres caractéristiques. Et tandis que nous sommes constamment bombardés par les pubs tentant de nous vendre des produits visant à faire de nous des êtres plus enviables, plus minces, aux carrières toujours florissantes, les auteurs des textes hindous ancestraux parlaient déjà de la nuance de la femme, de la perfection de ses courbes, du grain de sa peau, de la texture de ses cheveux.

Car qui dit ayurvéda, ne dit pas simplement qu'on est beau. Point. Non, on est beau (ou belle), certes, mais on doit aussi maintenir ce cadeau du ciel en prenant soin de soi, corps et âme. Cela signifie donc prendre les mesures qui feront qu'on sera moins stressé, qu'on tentera au mieux de s'alimenter sainement et au rythme correspondant à notre constitution, de pratiquer une activité tonifiante et régulière, de boire beaucoup d'eau, de faire des soins pour le corps et pour le visage car, nous le savons bien, notre corps est non seulement l'organe le plus visible mais aussi notre peau est l'outil filtre par lequel nos organes internes feront sortir les toxines. 

Ainsi, un esprit sain dans un corps sain ne veut pas seulement dire acheter les crèmes les plus chères des marques que nous connaissons; cela ne signifie pas s'habiller des marques les plus chères que nous connaissons pour susciter envie et booster notre égo; cela ne signifie pas non plus accumuler des tonnes de maquillage et de produits cosmétiques chimiques avec des ingrédients que nous ne pouvons prononcer. Point trop n'en faut. S'embellir est toujours beaucoup mieux quand la toile de base est impeccable.

Alors, "nouvelle année" rime (encore une fois) avec "nouvelles résolutions"? Bien sûr. Nous croyons tous aux secondes, troisièmes, quatrièmes chances. En tous cas, tant qu'on atteint pas cette version parfaite de nous-mêmes, que nous sommes pourtant déjà!

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